We have determined that the host machine on which your Linode resides requires important updates. These updates will ensure that each host has the latest performance updates, improvements, and is compatible with future product launches. While this is not an emergency, your Linode should be migrated to a new piece of hardware so that you may take advantage of all future product offerings and upgrades.
Your Linode has been entered into a migration queue. You have the option of starting your migration manually before the scheduled time by clicking the ‘Migrate’ button that’s located at the top of your Linode’s Dashboard.
When your Linode migrates, it will be cleanly shutdown, migrated to its new hardware, and then returned to its last state (running or powered off). You can monitor your position in the migration queue from your Linode’s Dashboard. All of your data and any IP addresses assigned to your Linode will be migrated as well. The migration process can take up to 3-5 GB of data per minute.
We will automatically start your migration if you have not initiated it by Monday 23 October 2017 7:00 AM UTC (12:00 AM PDT)
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or concerns.