有玩过facebook的一定会facebook的内容自动加载印象深刻,而默认 BuddyPress Activity Stream 则没有自动加载内容的功能,每次需要点击 Load more 才能载入更多的内容,用户体验并不好,那么是否可以像facebook一样实现滚动到底部的时候自动加载内容呢?答案是100%肯定的,而且非常简单,实现方法如下:
新建一个文件取名为 activity-loader.js 并且放置在模版目录的 _inc 文件夹里边,并且插入如下代码:
jQuery(document).ready( function() { var jq=jQuery; var is_activity_loading=false;//we use it to make sure that we don not try to send the request again and again //let us check on window scroll event jq(window).scroll(function() { //find the visible load more button //since bp does not move load more, we need to find the last one which is visible var load_more_btn=jq(".load-more:visible"); //if there is no visible button, there are no mor activities, let us retrn if(!load_more_btn.get(0)) return; //find the offset of the button var pos=load_more_btn.offset(); //if the window height+scrollTop is greater than the offset top, we have reached the button, let us load more activity if(jq(window).scrollTop() + jq(window).height() > pos.top ) { load_more_activity(); } }); /** * The routine loads more activity * We call it whenever we reach at the bottom of the activity listing * */ function load_more_activity(){ //check if activity is loading, means is there already a request doing this //if yes, just return and let the other request handle it if(is_activity_loading) return false; //so, it is a new request, let us set the var to true is_activity_loading=true; //add loading class to load more //theme authors may need to change the selector if there theme has a different id //I am doing it for bp-default/derivative themes //change #content to whatever you have named it in your theme jq("#content li.load-more").addClass('loading'); if ( null == jq.cookie('bp-activity-oldestpage') ) jq.cookie('bp-activity-oldestpage', 1, { path: '/' } ); var oldest_page = ( jq.cookie('bp-activity-oldestpage') * 1 ) + 1; //send the ajax request jq.post( ajaxurl, { action: 'activity_get_older_updates', 'cookie': encodeURIComponent(document.cookie), 'page': oldest_page }, function(response) { jq(".load-more").hide();//hide any load more button jq("#content li.load-more").removeClass('loading');//theme authors, you may need to change it //update cookie jq.cookie( 'bp-activity-oldestpage', oldest_page, { path: '/' } ); //and append the response jq("#content ul.activity-list").append(response.contents); //since we are done, let us set the state that activity has loaded is_activity_loading=false; }, 'json' ); return false; } });//end of dom ready
function bp_activity_autoloader_inc_js(){ //you can change get_stylesheet_directory_uri() to get_tmplate_directory_uri() if you are author of a parent theme and want to include it in parent theme and not in the child theme. wp_enqueue_script('activity-auto-loader', get_stylesheet_directory_uri().'/_inc/activity-loader.js',array('jquery'));//should we make it dependent on 'dtheme-ajax-js'? } add_action('bp_enqueue_scripts','bp_activity_autoloader_inc_js',30);