

Your Linode(s) have been assigned maintenance windows during which they will be rebooted. This maintenance is necessary to patch for variants 1 and 2 of the Spectre vulnerability[1]. The scheduled times for these reboots are listed within the Linode Manager[2] in the timezone set in your user’s Profile[3].

Your reboot schedule in UTC is as follows:

* 2018-05-11 4:00:00 AM UTC - US-cPanel-1

The above listed maintenance windows cannot be altered, postponed, or rescheduled.

A two-hour window is allocated for each reboot maintenance window, however, the actual downtime should be much less. During each reboot window, your Linode will be cleanly shut down and will remain offline until the maintenance is complete. Your Linode will be restored to its previous state (booted or powered off) when the maintenance is complete. These updates affect the underlying infrastructure that your Linode resides on and will not affect the data stored within your Linode.

To ensure your Linode’s essential services (MySQL, Apache, NGINX, etc.) return successfully upon reboot, we strongly recommend that you review Linode’s Reboot Survival Guide[4] prior to the start of the maintenance period.

If you would like more information, please see our Meltdown and Spectre guide[5].

Let us know if you have any questions or concerns.

– Linode

隽永东方美国cPanel服务器将于 2018年 5月 11日 12:00 进行预定维护,持续时间预估为2小时,实际时间应该会少于这个时间,届时服务器将终止访问,请耐心等待,维护完成,服务器会自动启动,无需做任何操作,感谢您的理解与配合。




A number of serious security vulnerabilities affecting multiple CPU architectures were recently disclosed by Google’s Project Zero team as outlined in our blog post[1]. In order to address the disclosed vulnerabilities, the physical hardware on which your Linode resides will need to undergo maintenance. This is the first of several separate maintenances that will be necessary to fully mitigate these vulnerabilities. This maintenance specifically patches the Meltdown vulnerability; the Spectre vulnerability will be addressed in a future maintenance cycle. We will inform you of these maintenance cycles via additional tickets.
Scheduled maintenance windows are listed within the Linode Manager[2] in the time zone that was configured in your user’s My Profile[3]. The maintenance window of new Linodes and upgraded, migrated, or resized Linodes will be reflected in the Linode Manager[2], but you may not receive maintenance ticket updates for these changes.
The following Linode(s) have now been assigned a maintenance window in which a reboot will occur. Please note that these times can change as a result of the actions mentioned above. At this time your reboot schedule in UTC is as follows:
* 2018-01-16 7:00:00 AM UTC – linode1404911
* 2018-01-16 7:00:00 AM UTC – linode3812495
You can prepare your Linode for this maintenance by following our Reboot Survival Guide. By following this guide before your maintenance, you will be able to ensure that services running on your Linode are resumed properly. The Reboot Survival Guide is available here:
These updates affect the underlying infrastructure that your Linode resides on and will not affect the data stored within your Linode. To further protect your Linode, we strongly recommend that you verify it is configured to boot using our latest kernel, which includes patches to help address these vulnerabilities. If your Linode’s Configuration Profile is set to utilize our latest kernel, your kernel will automatically be updated upon rebooting.
During the maintenance window, your Linode will be cleanly shut down and will be unavailable while we perform the updates. A two-hour window is allocated, however the actual downtime should be much less. After the maintenance has concluded, each Linode will be returned to its last state (running or powered off).
We regret the short notice and the downtime required for this maintenance. However, due to the severity of these vulnerabilities, we have no choice but to take swift and immediate action to ensure the safety and security of our customers. For these reasons, we must adhere to a strict timetable, and will not be able to reschedule or defer this maintenance.
If you experience any issues following the maintenance, please feel free to reach out to us and we will be happy to assist.


* 2018-01-16 15:00:00







We have determined that the host machine on which your Linode resides requires important updates. These updates will ensure that each host has the latest performance updates, improvements, and is compatible with future product launches. While this is not an emergency, your Linode should be migrated to a new piece of hardware so that you may take advantage of all future product offerings and upgrades.

Your Linode has been entered into a migration queue. You have the option of starting your migration manually before the scheduled time by clicking the ‘Migrate’ button that’s located at the top of your Linode’s Dashboard.

When your Linode migrates, it will be cleanly shutdown, migrated to its new hardware, and then returned to its last state (running or powered off). You can monitor your position in the migration queue from your Linode’s Dashboard. All of your data and any IP addresses assigned to your Linode will be migrated as well. The migration process can take up to 3-5 GB of data per minute.

We will automatically start your migration if you have not initiated it by Monday 23 October 2017 7:00 AM UTC (12:00 AM PDT).

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or concerns.

预定维护时间为北京时间:2017年10月23日下午15:00 ,届时,服务器将暂停访问大概2个小时左右,升级维护结束,服务器将自动恢复访问,无需做任何操作,特此公告!

